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Heart Box | Gold | Goldene & schwarze Rosen


Gift message

Free $5
How it works

  1. On the product page, enter your gift message. This will be automatically added to your product via the Million eCard
  2. When the recipient receives the gift, they can tap their NFC-enabled smartphone to the Million eCard Tag to reveal your message
Do you want to make your gift even more special?
  1. Complete the purchase and head to the message.themillion.com platform
  2. Log in to your account with the same email address you made the purchase with. Your purchased products will be automatically added to your account.
  3. Select a product to further customize your message:
  4. Upload a photo or video content
  5. Add a secret question and answer.  The receiver will have to answer the question correctly to open your message
  6. Opt-in to receive an email notification when the message is opened.

 Weitere Bezahlmöglichkeiten

Natürlich brauchen Sie keinen Grund, um diesen Liebesgruß in Herzform zu verschicken, aber als Anlass ist selbstverständlich der Valentinstag genauso geeignet wie ein Jahrestag oder ein Geburtstag.

Und nicht nur die schwarze Box spricht für sich, sondern auch die natürlich konservierten Rosen in gold und schwarz. Das perfekte Geschenk!

Boxgröße: 26,67 cm

Anzahl der Rosen: 25-30

Heart Black Box | Gold & Black Roses - The Million Roses
Heart Box | Gold | Goldene & schwarze Rosen Angebot€424,95

preserved roses




10.000+ REVIEWS

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829 reviews
  • SR
    Sean R.
    Verified Buyer
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    12 minutes ago
    Heart Mirror Silver Box | Magenta Roses Silver / Magenta
    The roses were perfect!

    The rose showed up perfectly and looked just as advertised. They were amazing and she loved them!

    Age Range 25 - 34
    Gift for Crush
    Occassion Just Because
  • MS
    Michael S.
    Verified Buyer
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    5 hours ago
    Heart Mirror Silver Box | Magenta Roses Silver / Magenta


    Age Range 65+
    Gift for Spouse/Partner
    Occassion Other, Just Because
  • KH
    Keny H.
    Verified Buyer
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    2 days ago
    Heart Light Pink Suede Box | Magenta Roses Light Pink - Suede / Magenta
    Pink suede

    Was good

    Age Range 35 - 44
    Gift for Family
    Occassion Birthday
  • MS
    Michael S.
    Verified Buyer
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    4 days ago
    Heart Mirror Silver Box | Magenta Roses Silver / Magenta


    Age Range 65+
    Gift for Spouse/Partner
    Occassion Other, Just Because
  • C
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    6 days ago
    Heart Black Box | 24K Gold & Red Roses
    5 Stars

    Great product