The Million Roses

Green Roses Collection

Un bouquet floreale con rose stabilizzate verdi è un elemento di arredo domestico inimitabile: donerà un tocco di straordinaria bellezza a qualsiasi angolo della casa. Molto richiesti in primavera, i nostri mazzi di rose verdi sono un centrotavola perfetto per ogni stagione dell'anno. E in più, la nostra collezione di cofanetti in vivaci tonalità ti dona rose che conserveranno il loro fascino per anni: un regalo superlativo e duraturo per gli amanti dei fiori. Sorprendili con qualcosa di unico nel suo genere.

34 prodotti 34 prodotti

0 selezionate Ripristina
0 selezionate Ripristina
0 selezionate Ripristina

34 prodotti 34 prodotti



34 prodotti


Customer Reviews 7400+ recensioni


Beatiful Gift

A very thoughtful gift that is beautiful and lasts longer than traditional flowers giving the added bonus of classy home decor. They also smell fantastic and came with a beautiful presentation.

Ava E.Acquirente verificato

My favorite roses.

They’re beautiful and the perfectly gifted for a special occasion, a date or day moments.

Karina B.Acquirente verificato

My sister loves them!

Bough them for her birthday and she said they we beautiful

Julia B.Acquirente verificato


Got them for a photoshoot and they looke amazing!

Tara B.Acquirente verificato

Awesome Arrangement

The flowers are gorgeous and my sister was surprised know I got that she will be able to enjoy these for a long time. No more disposable flowers.

Isis F.Acquirente verificato


What are Green Roses?

Green Roses are a unique and captivating variety of roses that feature stunning shades of green in their petals. They are not a result of genetic modification but rather occur naturally or through selective breeding. Green Roses symbolize renewal, growth, and harmony, making them a perfect choice for conveying messages of new beginnings and fresh starts.

Are Green Roses natural, or are they dyed or artificially colored?

Green Roses offered by The Million Roses are entirely natural. These roses are cultivated through careful breeding and cultivation techniques, resulting in their distinct and alluring green hues. They are not artificially dyed or colored, ensuring that their beauty remains authentic and long-lasting.

Can I combine Green Roses with other colored roses in a box?

Absolutely! Green Roses create a striking contrast when combined with other colored roses. You can create your own custom roses arrangements or pick from our stunning two-color floral arrangements that pair green roses with classic red roses for a romantic touch, vibrant yellow roses for a cheerful and lively bouquet, and more color combinations.

What occasions are suitable for gifting Green Roses?

Green Roses are versatile and can be a wonderful gift for various occasions. They are particularly well-suited for celebrating new beginnings, such as weddings, graduations, or the start of a new chapter in life. Green Roses are also an excellent choice for expressing good luck, harmony, and personal growth, making them a thoughtful gesture for friends, family, or colleagues embarking on new journeys.