Cercei de argint cerc cu charm Evil Eye
Preț redus242,00 lei
Preț normal605,00 lei
Cercei placați cu aur Million
Preț redus242,00 lei
Preț normal605,00 lei
Brățară placată cu aur Million
Preț redus298,00 lei
Preț normal744,00 lei
Colier cu pandantiv placat cu aur Million
Preț redus335,00 lei
Preț normal837,00 lei
Colier cu pandantiv placat cu aur Million Luxe
Preț redus596,00 lei
Preț normal1.488,00 lei
Brățară de argint Million
Preț redus298,00 lei
Preț normal744,00 lei
Cercei de argint Million
Preț redus242,00 lei
Preț normal605,00 lei
Colier de argint cu pandantiv Million Silver Luxe
Preț redus596,00 lei
Preț normal1.488,00 lei
Colier de argint cu pandantiv Million
Preț redus335,00 lei
Preț normal837,00 lei
Colier cu pandantiv placat cu aur roz Love Nest
Preț redus205,00 lei
Preț normal512,00 lei
Mini colier cu pandantiv placat cu aur Love Nest
Preț redus186,00 lei
Preț normal465,00 lei
Colier de argint cu pandantiv Evil Eye
Preț redus205,00 lei
Preț normal512,00 lei
Brățară de argint Evil Eye
Preț redus205,00 lei
Preț normal512,00 lei
Colier disc în două nuanțe Evil Eye
Preț redus242,00 lei
Preț normal605,00 lei
Frequently Asked Questions
At The Million Roses, we offer a wide range of exquisite jewelry pieces, including earrings, necklaces, and bracelets. Our collection features various styles, materials, and designs crafted to complement diverse tastes and occasions.
Yes, our jewelry pieces with diamonds feature ethically sourced, lab-grown diamonds. We take pride in offering high-quality diamond jewelry that meets the highest standards of craftsmanship and ethics, providing our customers with elegant and timeless pieces they can cherish.
In addition to diamonds, our jewelry collection includes pieces crafted from premium materials like sterling silver and 14K gold. Sterling silver offers a classic and affordable option, while 14K gold provides a luxurious and enduring choice for sophisticated jewelry.
Certainly! The Million Roses offers elegant and coordinated jewelry sets comprising matching earrings, necklaces, and bracelets. These sets make perfect gifts or a delightful way to accessorize for special occasions, ensuring a cohesive and stunning look.