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Artículo: The Female Empowerment Series: Lindsay Solo

The Female Empowerment Series: Lindsay Solo

The Female Empowerment Series: Lindsay Solo

In this week's interview we take a deeper look at female empowerment through the eyes of professional opera singer and musician, Lindsay Solo. 
You express your feminine side with singing and dancing. What makes you feel empowered as a woman? 

"Music and movement have the ability to instill creativity and confidence. When I’m able to express my femininity through either music or dance it allows
me to explore deeply emotionally as I allow space to explore different facets of my artistic sensibilities."

What motivated you and led you to choose the path of an Opera singer?

"I received my Bachelor of Music degree in Vocal Performance and Opera from the University of Colorado, Boulder. At the time, a classical approach to music was offered within the degree and I ended up discovering another quality of my voice I didn’t realize I had nor was it very popular in the industry. I am the type of person who moves toward challenges and when I am passionate about something I want to see it through to see how far I can really go. I chose to study abroad in Italy which opened so many doors that have continued to nurture my curiosity and appreciation of all creative aspects of music and art collectively. Moving to Los Angeles was a tough decision I made a few years ago to really focus all of my attention toward my dreams and goals as an artist, leaving everything I was familiar with in Colorado behind. I can say with confidence that although there have been many moments of struggle, I have experienced even more moments of success and open doors that never would have been possible had I stayed in my comfort zone."

Which women are you inspired by? Who are your role models?

"Celine Dion, Oprah Winfrey, Maya Angelou, Tabitha Brown, Christine Caine."

What advice would you give your younger self?

"Trust yourself and your intuition even more. If you have a dream in your heart, keep finding ways to fully pursue it, be specific with who you listen to and take advice from, and allow yourself the understanding that not everyone will like you, and that’s more than ok. Trust in God to guide you, build meaningful relationships, and remember to leave everything you touch as gold." 

We will send The Million Roses to a woman of your
choice. Who would it be and why?

"My Mother. I am so grateful to her for instilling strong core values, integrity and
the importance of family in me. Both she (and my Dad) have continued to support me in my music journey which has not been easy. They have been so encouraging and even when I have felt like quitting, they have always reminded me to keep believing in myself."

Which rose box would you choose for them? Which colors
and style represent her? 

"I would choose the white roses with white casing as it represents her elegant and timeless style."

“I can buy myself flowers”  - do you buy yourself flowers or
would you wait for someone else to gift them to you? 

"Growing up, I always saw my Dad giving my Mom flowers and would typically wait for someone to buy them for me however as I’ve gotten older and have experienced more of life, I now buy them for myself more often. I think
it’s a beautiful way to romanticize your life, celebrate the beauty within you, take time to appreciate little moments of Joy, and express yourself.

What can we do collectively to support women?

"Continue to create more room for leadership opportunities to empower women entrepreneurs in developing countries, create a better environment for career
development, provide a comprehensive support system with maternity leave in the workplace, and easier, inexpensive access to feminine hygiene products globally."

What is your life philosophy?

"Take time to romanticize your life. Travel the world. Find the beauty in the everyday. Spend quality time with yourself and others. Learn as much as you can, lose your ego. Don’t hesitate when it comes to showing love toward others. Realize that great things take time. Be proud of yourself more often than not."

You carry so much joy and positive energy. Can you share your happiness secret with us? 

"God is a huge part of my daily happiness and joy that I know will always stay consistent and unconditional. In life, I have found, that you can always find the good in something if you look for it just as much as you can find the bad. Choose the good and know that happiness is a choice we make. Love and beauty are always around us if we choose to look for it." 

You can learn more about Lindsay Solo here. Stay tuned for our next interview in The Female Empowerment Series, in support of Women's History Month here on The Million Roses blog. 

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