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About us

The Million Roses©

A Box of Luxury, A Bouquet of Elegance 

You would think giving just flowers could be outworn, but our mission with The Million Roses© to redefine the classic floral design and create something spectacular, modern and stylish. Every single one of our boxes is handmade with care in Los Angeles, using the highest quality roses and flowers to impress all of our customers. We believe that everyone deserves some luxury.

The Million Roses© last +3 years.

Preservation is a form of drying, although it is much more sophisticated. The result is completely different. The preservation technique allows flowers to maintain a completely natural appearance and feel, as if they were freshly-cut flowers.

Our roses are grown in the verdant, sun-drenched fields of Ecuador. Only the most perfect, beautiful and vibrant roses are selected for use within our designs. Our team of floral experts then perform a sophisticated technique allowing the flowers to maintain their natural, fresh cut appearance. Instead of leaving them to dry, they undergo a rehydration process that involves being placed within a mixture of glycerin and other plant elements. This liquid gradually rises through the stem transforming the rose into the longest-lasting flower on the market.

The final result is a flexible flower with a completely natural appearance. The preservative keeps working for months, or even years! 


The Million Roses©


Please note that the metallic color roses (gold, silver, rose-gold) are sprayed for that color and the paint application may cause cracks and/or spotting on the petals.