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Cutie Albă One in a Million™ Hexagon | Trandafiri violet și argintii

Preț redus744,00 lei

Gift message

Free $5
How it works

  1. On the product page, enter your gift message. This will be automatically added to your product via the Million eCard
  2. When the recipient receives the gift, they can tap their NFC-enabled smartphone to the Million eCard Tag to reveal your message
Do you want to make your gift even more special?
  1. Complete the purchase and head to the platform
  2. Log in to your account with the same email address you made the purchase with. Your purchased products will be automatically added to your account.
  3. Select a product to further customize your message:
  4. Upload a photo or video content
  5. Add a secret question and answer.  The receiver will have to answer the question correctly to open your message
  6. Opt-in to receive an email notification when the message is opened.

 Mai multe opțiuni de plată

The Million Roses® își prezintă colecția One in a Million pentru a recunoaște că toți suntem unici și merităm un pic de lux.

Acești trandafiri violet și argintii într-o cutie albă originală în formă de hexagon dau o nouă conotație designului nostru clasic. Noul design adaugă o notă de modernitate biroului sau dormitorului dvs., menținând în același timp delicatețea unui aranjament floral.

Nota perfectă de eleganță fină pentru casa dvs. sau un cadou potrivit pentru persoana specială din viața dvs.

Dimensiunea cutiei: 4” x 4”

Număr de trandafiri: 1 mare sau 7 mini

One in a Million™ White Hexagon Box | Violet & Silver Roses - The Million Roses
Cutie Albă One in a Million™ Hexagon | Trandafiri violet și argintii Preț redus744,00 lei

preserved roses




10.000+ REVIEWS

Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
Based on 319 reviews
319 reviews
  • DN
    Daniel N.
    Verified Buyer
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    2 weeks ago
    One in a Million™ Black Hexagon Box | Orange Rose
    Orange Rose

    I got this for my boyfriend for Valentine’s Day. His favorite color is orange so I wanted to make sure he’d get an orange rose. He was absolutely surprised and loved it!

    Age Range 35 - 44
    Gift for Spouse/Partner
    Occassion Love & Romance
    Colors Orange
    Box Type Single Rose
  • JC
    Verified Buyer
    Rated 3 out of 5 stars
    1 month ago
    One in a Million™ Black Hexagon Box | Dark Purple Rose
    Okay but I expected more

    The rose was okay but I expected more. Some of the petals were crushed when the lid was put on. I would have returned it but the person that I gifted it to loved the sentiment behind it and did not want to let it go.

    Age Range 55 - 64
    Gift for Friends
    Occassion Sympathy
  • MN
    Moris N.
    Verified Buyer
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    1 month ago
    One in a Million™ Mirror Gold Hexagon Box | Red & Gold Roses

    The best birthday gift for my wonderful and "picky" wife!

    Thank you so much!

    Age Range 65+
    Gift for Spouse/Partner
    Occassion Birthday
    Colors Red, Gold
    Box Type Basic
  • TL
    Tali L.
    Verified Buyer
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    1 month ago
    One in a Million™ Black Mirror Hexagon Box | Light Pink & Gold Rose
    Soooo cute

    My daughter loved it

    The packaging is great for to go

    The roses are beautiful

    Age Range 25 - 34
    Gift for Family
    Occassion Just Because
    Colors Pink
    Box Type Classic
  • DT
    Donnish T.
    Verified Buyer
    Rated 5 out of 5 stars
    2 months ago
    One in a Million™ White Hexagon Box | Bright Purple Rose
    One in a million


    Age Range 65+
    Gift for Family
    Occassion Birthday, Just Because, Thank You, Congratulations, Love & Romance
    Colors White, Purple
    Box Type Classic