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Čierny Classic Box | Love Edition | Červené ruže

Predajná cena€272,95

Gift message

Free $5
How it works

  1. On the product page, enter your gift message. This will be automatically added to your product via the Million eCard
  2. When the recipient receives the gift, they can tap their NFC-enabled smartphone to the Million eCard Tag to reveal your message
Do you want to make your gift even more special?
  1. Complete the purchase and head to the platform
  2. Log in to your account with the same email address you made the purchase with. Your purchased products will be automatically added to your account.
  3. Select a product to further customize your message:
  4. Upload a photo or video content
  5. Add a secret question and answer.  The receiver will have to answer the question correctly to open your message
  6. Opt-in to receive an email notification when the message is opened.

 Ďalšie možnosti platby

Každý má rád originál. The Million Roses® bola vôbec prvá kolekcia boxov konzervovaných kvetín na svete a odvtedy nastavuje štandard kvality.

Naša kolekcia Classic stelesňuje túto štýlovú jednoduchosť v čiernom boxe naplnenom červenými dlhotrvajúcimi ružami.

Táto zmena na Classic obsahuje krabicu s reliéfnou grafikou lásky, ktorá posúva našu nadčasovú krásu na úplne novú úroveň.

Veľkosť boxu: 7”

Počet ruží: 14-15

preserved roses




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