Biely Deluxe Box | Strieborné a čierne ruže
Silver & BlackBox:
WhiteHore a ďalej je vždy správný krok. Tieto úchvatné aranžmá sú vrcholom luxusu, pokiaľ ide o konzervované ruže.
Strieborné a čierne ruže sa v našich aranžmá The Million Roses© Deluxe dodávajú v ručne vyrábaných bielych boxoch a sú rovnako dobre konzervované, ako sú ohromujúce.
Kolekcia Deluxe skvelo poslúži ako stredobod jedálne alebo vo vstupnej chodbe vášho domovu a spojí každú miestnosť s dlhotrvajúcou krásou.
Veľkosť boxu: 15”
Počet ruží: 60-70
Exquisite Preserved Long Lasting Roses
Our roses are grown in the verdant, sun-drenched fields of Ecuador. Only the most perfect, beautiful and vibrant roses are selected for use within our designs. Our team of floral experts then perform a sophisticated technique allowing the flowers to maintain their natural, fresh cut appearance. Instead of leaving them to dry, they undergo a rehydration process that involves being placed within a mixture of glycerin and other plant elements. This liquid gradually rises through the stem transforming the rose into the longest-lasting flower on the market.
Please note that the metallic color roses (gold, silver, rose-gold) are sprayed for that color and the paint application may cause cracks and/or spotting on the petals.
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